Monday, 11 December 2017

Significance of Particle Size for Pharmaceutical Industry

The science of small particles is known as ‘micromeritics’ and it is widely used in many different industries, including pharmaceuticals.  When we talk about how important the consistency of a drug is for it to work well, the relevance of micromeritics plays very significant role. It is crucial to know that pharmaceutical products are used for endless reasons to cure illnesses, injuries and diseases and if the calculations don’t work the results could be miserable and adverse. Particle size is one of the critical elements in making sure all pharmaceuticals perform well.

Biophar Group is a third party manufacturing which further adds that the particle size of the Active Pharmaceutical ingredient (API)  and diluents need to be evaluated before preparing and designing of drug delivery system as it influences the procedure ,process, stability and efficiency of drug delivery system.

A pharmacist needs to be well educated about particle size and surface area before prescribing a drug to a consumer. Every composition needs to be thoughtfully applied as for example increasing the surface area of the drug by creating finer particles will operatively weaken the physical barriers to dissolution.  This means that the release of the drug happens much quicker because the fine particles dissolve quickly and easily and give results in short period of time.

The third party manufacturing company further adds that knowing the particle size, the release and dissolution and effectiveness of any drug is an important and crucial part of the process and must not be ignored by any pharmaceutical industry.

Overall physical stability of drug is another factor affected by the particle size.  The physical stability of drugs is equally important because it helps to keep the drugs in their intended form, and plays a vital role during manufacturing, packaging, exporting and storage.  Physical stability is yet another factor which affects the particle size because not all pharmaceutical products or drugs are used the same day they are produced, therefore all manufacturers should be very considerate about fact that the physical stability factor must remain unharmed from the beginning of the process till the end.

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