Friday 13 October 2017

Important facts about Malaria

Malaria is a communicable disease’ it is nothing but a myth. Through the bite of a female mosquito named Anopheles, this life-threatening blood disease has to be prevented and cured as soon as possible. It infects the body with a plasmodium parasite. Parasites are those organisms which live inside a host and are dependent for their food on them but they don’t repay anything back to them.  If not treated properly, it can affect the health in a long run and could be fatal too. It is generally present in tropical and subtropical climates.

How is this Caused?

As soon as an infected mosquito bites a human body, the parasite enters the blood and start to multiply in the liver of the human body. After around 10 days, they start affecting the red blood cells and keep on multiplying in the blood.

How does the Cycle Move?

If the mosquito is unaffected and feeds on an infected person then it gets infected too. This doesn’t let the cycle to stop.

How to Treat it?

The treatment is aimed at eliminating Plasmodium Parasite from the Patient’s body.

You can calm down the attack of this malaria parasite with A-Arti-L (Artemether 80mg + Lumefantrine 480mg Tablets). They are;

•    Most widely used artemisinin-based combination therapy globally. This recommended by World Health Organization (WHO) as well.
•    It is derived from a plant named sweet wormwood and reduces the number of parasites in the body.
•    Achieves high cure rates in most uncomplicated malaria patients.
•    Safe and well tolerated.
•    Exhibits high efficacy.

We at Biophar Lifesciences (PCD Pharma Franchise) are working towards creating an atmosphere which is disease free and healthy. Quality is our primary concern.  We're empowering our commercial team to work with physicians and payers to become real partners in medical care, not just suppliers

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